hubei aging chemical

Sell k humate

post ကိုအချိန်2017-01-04

Enhancing nutrient uptake by combining nutrients and humic aid as well as keep a well-balanced nutrition. Improving the structure of soil, increasing the buffering powder of soil, optimize N. P. K absorption by plants. Neutralizing both acid and alkaline soils, regulating the PH value of soils, with the prominent effect in alkaline and acidic soil Reducing nitrate leaking into the groundwater and protect the underground water Enhancing the resilience of crops, such as cold, drought, pest, disease and toppling resistance Stabilizing nitrogen and improving nitrogen efficiency (as an additive with urea) Promoting healthier, stronger plants and beautifying appearance Petroleum drilling fluid decreasing and filtering agent Boiler anti-scaling agent and water quality stabilizer Cementing agent for pulverized coal shaping Removing toxic metals and their ions from wastewater Dispersing agent and deflocculating agent Assisting in the removal of trace amounts of grease, oil, liquid organics and suspended matter

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